Adult Muay Thai

Our mixed level Muay Thai sessions focus on the fundamentals of this martial art. All sessions start with a conditioning workout, followed by technique drills, pad work, partner work and the depending on level finish with sparring or further conditioning exercises.
Muay Thai benefits:
  • Burns calories 
  • Improves heart health
  • Strengthens body
  • Fun
  • Easy to learn
  • Self-Defense 
  • Builds mental toughness
  • Endorphin rush
For the first few sessions you’ll need leggings/shorts, t-shirt (no buttons or zips on either item). As you become more experienced you will also need a gum shield and shin/instep protectors. Additionally, you may also like to wear a groin guard. 

Adult Brazilian Jui-Jitsu

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu was developed based on the idea that it is possible to overcome a stronger opponent using techniques and levers against their strength.
Also known as "Arte Suave" (which means the "gentle art" in reference to the technique and flexibility used instead of strength), Brazilian jiu-jitsu can have numerous benefits for your mental well-being and physical health. Below is a list of reasons why you should try this sport.
The main benefits of jiu-jitsu:
- Helps improve physical condition  and lose weight (strengthens muscles, develops cardiovascular and respiratory capabilities)
- Develops strength, flexibility, endurance and coordination
- Helps reduce stress and anxiety
- Helps improve reflexes
- Develops self-confidence (also teaches self-defence techniques)
- The lifestyle that accompanies the practice of Brazilian jiu-jitsu also has health benefits thanks to stretching and encourages healthy eating